one story
there was one night in college. my dorm's common room broke into a spontaneous dance party that just kept escalating until the RA evicted us, for being too loud as i recall. so we just danced our way to the roof (where i started a chair-dance chorus for the boys across the street. it's funny, the full moon.) at which point, of course, the powers that be evicted us from the roof, but we were not deterred. we took our party to the streets.
as we hit the sidewalk, someone started running for the boys' dorms, and we all followed, no questions asked, down the street, over a hill, at least 20 girls moving as one. they didn't come out, the cowards. the moon. i'll show you moon. shannon mooned the dorm. not to be outdone, rich mooned us back, and, strange, that one white boy bottom smashed and steaming against the glass of the 6th floor, it was like a signal, because someone shrieked and we all started running again, this time for the school clock tower, where, when we arrived, we danced rings around and around, like witches, screaming and singing. for hours.
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