Saturday, February 04, 2006

men carrying purses

so, last night i was hanging out with a friend. we shall call him d. we spontaneously went to dinner, and then i ended up going to church with him. it was a completely unplanned evening, and it was good times.
now, at the end of the service, i, d, and another friend (l), were all standing next to a pillar and making small talk. apparently l and d have a running joke about men carrying purses. d had once seen a man carrying a white and red HISD tote over his shoulder and said to l, "I don't think I could ever do that." and what has since ensued is l finding ways to convince d that he would look great, great carrying one of her purses.
so, we're standing there. we're joined by another friend (l2), and after a moment, i realize that it's 3 women, banded together for the sole purpose of teasing and relentlessly trying to dress-up our male counterpart as a woman.
and my thought was, "we never do grow up, do we?" and then i watched as l2 sneaked her bag onto d's arm, while d sort of put up a fight. ha.


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