Wednesday, March 29, 2006

when it's in your face

yesterday, as the protests continued and houston schools started to empty, i finally finally started my education...what is the dream act...what is being debated in the house and the senate?
i admit with shame that i'm no politician, no great activist or follower of current events. but i am a teacher, and this i know. if some man is fool enough to build a fence, my students will climb it. they will set fire to it. they will dig holes through it or under it or around it, because a fence is an insult, a symbol, and nothing more.

Monday, March 27, 2006

chinese people are the best

i got stressed. and i wanted cheez-its. i wanted cheez-its, but i didn't want them on my hands. so, i'm eating them with chopsticks.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

some like it early

Today, I became conscious of the sound of pigeons mating. I woke up to it. It’s a low, whirring sound – like purring, actually – emitted over and over again at a constant speed. But then, there was this high, singular chirp. Maybe that was the orgasm.

Friday, March 24, 2006

talking to myself

I used to have these two blog rules: 1. Don't get serious. 2. Don't get boring. Skimming through the past 6 weeks, I seem to have abandoned both.

I was talking to a friend two nights ago, about poetry -- about how a high school poet often believes that he or she can discuss "love" in a meaningful way, and how that is so often fallacious. Still, I wanted to know, just theoretically, "Why isn't it meaningful? How is that I can read this poem about raspberries and carpets (I had been reading him a poem) and not find it trite? But then there's this high school business about 'Oh I love him so/Why can't I let him go,' and my gag reflex goes off. I mean, it's love that should be the meaningful thing, right?
His answer was, "It's just too heavy-handed ..." I don't remember what else he said, only the word "heavy-handed."
He had closed his eyes when I was reading him the poem -- "To Go To Lvov," by Adam Zagajewski.
He has this sense of balance and propriety that I just don't have, this intuitive understanding of the delicacy between too much and too little. He might err on the side of too-little -- in my version of reality, that is. But I certainly, always err on the side of too much, and this is in all realities.

Maybe I'm writing this because I fell apart today, in that quiet way when one decides to go to bed, for no reason, in the middle of the day -- for the entire day. And that is too much, I think. Maybe I'm writing this because I'm not-so-secretly, somewhat in love with this friend (who thankfully does not read this), and I often have an uncomfortable sense of crowding him, and I'm ashamed of it. He never asked for this much of me, but I press it upon him. And he takes it, because again, he has that strange sensitivity about what is needed. And --
This, as well, is too much.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

in summary

in one month i have to make this, what feels like, a mammoth decision about where i'm going to spend the next 2-6 years of my life. and now that the initial rush of acceptance is over, and i'm telling people about my plans...well, things grow a little more complex. instead of boring you with details, here is an exchange that exemplifies my current state of being, and the reactions i'm getting, and so on and so forth...

NiragKadakia: what are you going to grad school for?
JoieTang: folklore, with an emphasis in dance
NiragKadakia: WTF
NiragKadakia: i mean
NiragKadakia: cool
NiragKadakia: that's really unique
NiragKadakia: wow
JoieTang: WTF is appropriate
JoieTang: i'm in WTF mode
NiragKadakia: word.
JoieTang: do you really think it's cool or are we still on WTF?
NiragKadakia: um i'm not sure
NiragKadakia: to each his own

need i say more? wait, just one more. when my mother realized that this is, possibly, a ph.d. move, her first remark was, "don't forget about your REAL life." she meant, "don't forget about getting married." that's it. i'm done.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


one hour ago, i got an email from uc riverside. they accepted me. i never imagined one school would accept, let alone two.

Monday, March 06, 2006

extra post-it

second year, second semester tfa thoughts...

NiragKadakia: guh. i just woke up from a 3.5 hour nap
JoieTang: ha. been there, done that
NiragKadakia: man, so you only have like 2 months left. that's badass
JoieTang: i know, but it's weird
JoieTang: i'm getting all teary
JoieTang: at the end, i only remember the good stuff
JoieTang: for example, how much i truly love my students
NiragKadakia: oh that's cool
NiragKadakia: i wish i loved my kids. i dont love anything anymore. like, i really really dislike them to a large extent. maybe I'm just in that stage. i dont know.
JoieTang: well, i hated mine from...november until...2 weeks ago.
JoieTang: and then inexplicably, something happened
NiragKadakia: ha.
JoieTang: nothing IN CLASS happened
NiragKadakia: right
JoieTang: but i was looking at them one day and was like, "Little bastards. Who'll love you if i don't?"
JoieTang: and then i loved them

post-it on today

I was accepted into UC Berkeley's Folklore program today.