first time for everything
cheshireNwndrlnd: ttyl
cheshireNwndrlnd: first time using that. =0)
JoieTang: ttyl virgin
JoieTang: nice
cheshireNwndrlnd: ttyl
when i dance salsa, i can no longer hear the beat. it just went away. thus, when i dance, i can feel myself rushing, but i can't for the life of me actually hear when to put my foot down and when to pick it up, and therefore, i can't fix it. 123-AND-567. there's this pause on AND; i can't feel the AND. so my dancing has no texture. there's no breath, like someone speaking in monotone.
i am ill once again. i get ill so often now that i teach. runny nose, congested head, sore throat. i've got it all. at least, this time, i haven't lost my voice. try teaching without a voice. it's cute. i had to write all directions on the board.
right now, i have to go to school. i woke up late. it's 7:33am. but, i had the weirdest dream. it was this dream within a dream. i was at my cousin's house. and there was this guy lying in a bed. in the dream, it was one of his friends, but in my head in the dream (the person i was in the dream was thinking that it was...) it was my first ex-boyfriend? and so, I laid down next to him, and gave him a kiss, thinking it was the ex, and when the dream-me woke up and found out it was the friend, we both did the "EWWWW!" thing and wiped our least we've confimed: not attracted to that one?
JoieTang: i heard it's ridiculously cold up where you are, on the news
and peanut butter. about 8 tablespoons of peanut butter. and a bar of chocolate. and thai food with brown rice. and several morningstar soy patties, and chocolate/soy cereal bars, and then some more's like pouring whole foods into my stomach. and celery with ginger-miso dressing. that store OWNS me.
apparently, when i'm tense, i eat fruit. i've had a banana, an orange, 2 green apples, and strawberries (in my yogurt).
my broom has been stolen out of my classroom. to quote Tomas, an ex-student, "Miss, the only reason anyone would want to steal a broom is to beat the crap out of somebody." so, whoever you are...i hope you're putting it to proper use.
talking tfa. that's what i call it. it can't be helped. sometimes, it just happens.